There seems to be a hush over the real estate market that most agents have never heard. That's right, those agents that entered the business in the last 10 years. Their careers were jump started by low interest rates and rapid appreciation. Oh it was never so good, as to be a Realtor in the day. Well the market has changed and with that many perceptions about what has taken place. For the newbies, it seems, the sky is falling. For others, who have been in the business over 20 years, they look at it somewhat matter of factly.They havewelcomed it withalmost open arms. They knew it was inevitable. You seethey have beenhere at least twice before. Yes, this slow down is a bit unique, and yes this slow down does bring different challenges. But at the end of the day,they realize that this market was long overdue. Theypredicted it and prepared for it. Because of this, they embrace the slower pace, the less frenetic days, the additional time to spend withtheir families. They do not mind the silence, the uninterupted dinners, the family time. Now for them the silence is loud and clear, and this too shall pass.