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Economist Promotes Optimism

Therewas a conference this past week in Cambridge Massachusetts and the National Association of Realtors had Economist Yun Lay speak about the real estate conditions in New England. Interestingly enough, he supported what I have been saying for quite some time. The real estate market is not as bad as the media is making it out to be on a local level. Certainly there are pockets in all states that are feeling the pinch worse than others, but the fact remains that it doesn't encompass all areas in a state. In his presentation according to Robert Hill the executive Director for the Vermont Association of Realtors, Yun pointed out a number of favorable economic trends and showed that Vermont was doing much better than most of our region. The reality is that the doom and gloom approach is always more interesting for the media and typically sells more newspapers. Well I am not buying it, and we will choose to not participate in that way of thinking. "Buyer pessimism is self-fulfilling" was Yun's theme and we are much more optimistic than that.

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