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Play Ball

It is that time of year where the boys of summer have started to hone their throwing, catching and hitting the baseball skills. In fact they have been practicing for about 3 weeks now albeit inside because of the snow on the ground, but nevertheless they are doing what they love. My son is a freshman in High School and he just made the junior varsity team which he is very excited about. He has loved playing the game since he was five. Now ten years later he is just as enthusiastic as he was when he started. Our life evolves around baseball from now until mid October when fall ball will end. During the summer I coach a 14 -15 year old babe ruth team which he is on. I have been coaching him and hisfriends for the last 10 years and this summer will probably be my last to coach him because next year he will be playing legion baseball. It has been an incredible opportunity that I have had with my son and some of his best friends through the years. I have enjoyed the time thoroughly and I hope I have positively impacted the lives of all my boys that I have coached. I am somewhat melancholy whenI think about it being close to over, but I will cherish the memories for a lifetime. I will never forget him hitting his first home run, the time he hit a double in a critical all star game and scored one of the winning runs to advance us to the championship game which we won. I will always remember his last little league all star game when he hit two doubles and hita two run homer for 5 rbis that day. Or the time in fall ball when his knuckle ball was dancing like Wakefield's and the other team couldn't figure him out. Oh so many more memories that make it all so worth it. It is so good to be a coach and involved with all thekids.But most importantly,it's so really good to be just plain ol'Dad.

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