It is different this year then in the past when it comes to a new year's resolution. I have taken a different outlook when it comes to losing weight and I think it has to do with the economy. In the past, I would have committed to be a certain weight at a certain time and be all gun ho. This year, I don't seem to have the energy to go after it, although i have committed to working out longer each session. I just need to commit to not eat all the food with all the sugar. The holiday snack attack seems to have lasted longer than normal. In fact, I just had two pieces of fudge. What's up with that. If the economy leads some people to not eat, it seems like it has made me want to eat more. If there is such a thing as recessionary weight gain, I hope I don't become the poster child. Maybe I should make a better resolution, write it down and stick with it. After all, it has worked in the past.